June 2016 Basketball Wiretap

Knicks Have Trade Interest In Darren Collison

Apr 23, 2016 10:42 AM

The New York Knicks have interest in trading for Darren Collison.

Collison is scheduled to make $5.2 million next season with the Sacramento Kings.

It is unclear if the Knicks have the sufficient trade assets to make a deal with the Kings for Collison.

The Knicks previously had interest in trading for Jeff Teague.

Ian Begley/ESPN

Tags: Darren Collison, New York Knicks, Sacramento Kings, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor

Vlade Divac Wants To Keep DeMarcus Cousins But Willing To Test Market For First Time

Apr 20, 2016 11:56 AM

Vlade Divac is tempted to select a head coach to pair with DeMarcus Cousins as the Sacramento Kings move into a new arena.

But the sense within the organization is Divac has become increasingly frustrated by Cousins' ongoing issues and is willing to test the trade market for the first time.

Cousins received considerable trade interest last offseason.

The Kings fired George Karl and are searching for a new head coach.

Ailene Voisin/Sacramento Bee

Tags: DeMarcus Cousins, Sacramento Kings, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor

Carmelo Anthony Questions Whether His Idea Of Success Aligns With Knicks' Regime

Apr 14, 2016 10:05 PM

During his exit interview, Carmelo Anthony was asked if he'll remain with the New York Knicks next season.

“As of right now, I’ll be here,’’ Anthony said. “No conversation has taken place as far as me leaving or wanting to leave. I think everybody knows how I feel about being here. Nobody should question that. It’s just a matter of how we get better and move forward and take advantage of this window that I have. That’s the main question. How can we take advantage of this window and situation we have in front of us."

Anthony was also asked if he's ever envision leaving the Knicks for a winner.

“I think about it,’’ Anthony said when asked if he’s ever envisioned leaving New York for a winner. “The only thing I think about is winning more — whether it’s here or somewhere else. That’s the only thing I think about. I haven’t thought about putting myself on another team. My thought process is how can I win and make this situation better. What can we all do to make this situation better?’’

Phil Jackson said there was no talk of Anthony wanting out during the exit meeting or during their March dinner in Denver.

“The fact is he wants to stay here,’’ Jackson said. “He wants to communicate and he wants to stay here.”

Anthony owns a complete no-trade clause.

Anthony has given enough hints that he could ask for a trade if the Knicks are unsuccessful in free agency.

“I haven’t put a timetable on any of that,’’ Anthony said.

For the first time, Anthony publicly raised the question whether the regime is more focused on making the playoffs than winning a title.

“What’s successful for us,’’ Anthony said. “That’s the question you have to ask ourselves as a whole organization. Not just winning another 15 games like we did this year and playing for the eighth seed. Is that success? Or is being a top seed in the Eastern Conference, a top team in the NBA? Winning a championship is always the ultimate success. We have to put things in perspective. What’s success mean to this organization? A championship for me is always the ultimate success — not us slotting in and barely getting into the eighth seed. That’s not success for me. Having prominence in the postseson. That’s success.’’


Marc Berman/New York Post

Tags: Carmelo Anthony, New York Knicks, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor

Bulls Won't Rule Out Trading Jimmy Butler

Apr 14, 2016 11:11 AM

Gar Forman and John Paxson made clear that nobody on the Chicago Bulls' roster will be untouchable this offseason.

"We have to explore all options. With that said, Jimmy has had a fantastic year," said Paxson.

Paxson also admitted Butler and Derrick Rose didn't mesh together on a consistent basis.

Butler had an All-Star season and questioned how hard Fred Hoiberg was coaching the Bulls, comments that stuck with both parties the rest of the season.

K.C. Johnson/Chicago Tribune

Tags: Jimmy Butler, Chicago Bulls, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor

Carmelo Anthony 'Can't Think About' Possibility Of Leaving Knicks

Apr 14, 2016 10:53 AM

Carmelo Anthony was asked on Sunday if he's thought about the possibility of playing his final home game at Madison Square Garden.

Anthony and the New York Knicks enter an uncertain offseason in which they've missed the playoffs for the third straight season.

"No, no, I don’t think about that. Not right now,” he said. “I can’t think about that. My mindset is just figuring out how we’re going to better this situation, how we’re going to continue to grow as a team, grow as an organization and not get used to going home this early in April."

Anthony made the playoffs in each of his first 10 seasons in the NBA.

“I don’t think I can kind of get used to this feeling,” he said. “We’re thanking the fans for sticking with us, [but] as players, man, we want this to be our welcoming to the postseason. We want to be looking forward to gearing up and tightening up some screws and bolts and preparing for the postseason. I don’t want to get used to, we shouldn’t get used to, kind of this feeling and having Fan Appreciation Night this early.”

Anthony has three years left on the five-year, $124 million contract he signed in the summer of 2014, which includes a complete no-trade clause. 

Ian Begley/ESPN

Tags: Carmelo Anthony, New York Knicks, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor

Lakers Likely Will Try To Trade Nick Young In Offseason

Apr 2, 2016 11:39 AM

The Los Angeles Lakers tried to trade Nick Young in each of the past two seasons but were unable to find a team willing to deal for him. The Lakers will likely attempt again this offseason.

Young's production has dropped and he's now been involved in an off-the-court issue with D'Angelo Russell, who the Lakers consider one of the members of their core.

Young hasn't been himself around the team since the issue became public.

"He's been a little bit more, I wouldn't say standoffish, but he's been probably a whole lot quieter than Nick normally is," Byron Scott said.

Mike Bresnahan/Los Angeles Times

Tags: Nick Young, Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor

Jimmy Butler Doesn't Plan On Leaving Bulls, Proud To Be Part Of Franchise

Apr 1, 2016 1:14 PM

Fred Hoiberg called speculation that Jimmy Butler trade talk emanates from a damaged relationship between him and Butler "completely false."

Butler is in the first season of a new contract with the Chicago Bulls.

Several teams, including the Boston Celtics, inquired about the availability of Butler at the deadline.

"I don't plan on going anywhere," said Butler. "I can't control what everybody else does. I know that this is the city that I love, Chicago. And I want to wear that jersey. I want to wear that name on the front, and I wear it proudly. All I got to do is continue to control what I can control. That's try to help this team win games."

Butler ripped Hoiberg after a December loss, saying he had to "coach harder."

"To tell you the truth, I don't pay attention to the rumors," Butler said. "Somebody sent [the story] to me today, and I just clicked off of it. I mean, why am I getting in [to the speculation]? I can't control it. I can't say don't do this or don't do that. That's not my job. If I do what I'm supposed to do on the floor, then everything else takes care of itself. I'm a firm believer in that."


Hoiberg said his relationship with Butler has improved since the comments.

"I haven't heard anything about [the report]," Hoiberg said before the game. "But again, I don't read a lot right now. I think Jimmy and I have a really good relationship right now. I've been communicating a lot with him. Since he had the injury and has come back we've really limited his time. He hasn't done much in shootaround just to try and save his legs for the game. I obviously think the world of him for how hard he pushes himself and how much he's just improved his game over the years with his work ethic. I think that rubs off onto the other guys. So Jimmy absolutely is a very important part to this team."

Nick Friedell/ESPN

Tags: Jimmy Butler, Chicago Bulls, NBA, NBA Trade Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor
