June 2010 Basketball Wiretap

Stern Predicts European Division Within Decade

Oct 30, 2010 10:08 AM

David Stern predicts that the NBA will feature a European division sometime within the next decade.

"It's a wonderful topic, because 10 years ago, I said, 'Oh, it's inevitable, it'll happen in 10 years,' " Stern said.

"And now what I'm saying is, 'It's inevitable, it'll happen in 10 years.' But in terms of globalization, we're going to see a desire for franchises in Europe -- and in about 10 years, you'll send me a postcard."

The Nets and Raptors will play two regular-season games in London in March.

"I think we'll have a division and I think the Heat will play in Boston one night and then they'll go to Paris and spend a couple days on the Champs-Elysses shopping and relaxing," Stern said.

"And then they'll go and play five teams. And when they finish that, they'll play them again. Then they'll come home, having had a nice trip to Europe and they'll be finished with their European obligations."


Tags: NBA, NBA Expansion, NBA CBA

Stern Noncommittal On Hard Cap

Oct 27, 2010 8:16 AM

NBA commissioner David Stern briefly discussed the possibility of implementing a hard cap on Tuesday night when talking about a new collective bargaining agreement.

"[The hard cap is] an interesting detail," Stern said. "Check out the NHL, see what they did -- [they rolled back salaries] and they cut players."

Last month Wizards majority owner Ted Leonsis said he expected the league to adopt a hard cap system when the new CBA is ironed out.

Leonsis was fined $100,000 by the league for his comments.

Stern said last week that the league is seeking a decrease in total player salaries by about $750 million to $800 million, or an approximate 33 percent rollback overall.



Grant Hill Says Lockout Won't Affect His Future

Oct 24, 2010 9:59 PM

Suns forward Grant Hill says that the possibility of a lockout pushing back or eliminating the 2011-12 season won't affect his future.

"You just don't get out of shape," Hill said. "I don't take time off in the summer, so I'd just have a longer summer.

"I know they'll eventually figure it out. It's just a matter of when."

Arizona Republic

Tags: Grant Hill, Phoenix Suns, NBA, NBA Misc Rumor, NBA CBA

Source Lists Bobcats, Grizzlies, Hornets As Possible Contractions

Oct 24, 2010 9:56 PM

NBA commissioner David Stern has mentioned contraction as a possibility as the league enters economic uncertainty.

Stern didn't single out any franchises, but a Celtics team source told the Boston Globe that small-market cities like Charlotte, Memphis and New Orleans may be in danger of losing their teams.

Boston Globe

Tags: Charlotte Hornets, Memphis Grizzlies, New Orleans Pelicans, NBA, NBA Expansion, NBA CBA

NBA Seeks Rollback Of Existing Player Salaries

Oct 23, 2010 2:57 PM

An NBA spokesman confirmed to RealGM that the league is in fact seeking to roll back existing player salaries, rather than simply changing the rules dictating the terms of future contracts.

In attempting to reduce player costs by approximately one-third, the league is not making a distinction between signed contracts currently in force and those that would be signed after the new collective bargaining agreement takes effect.

RealGM Staff Report


Rondo Saving Money For Possible Lockout

Oct 23, 2010 9:14 AM

Rajon Rondo is saving his money in the event of an NBA lockout.

NBA commissioner David Stern says he wants to cut player salaries by one-third.

Rondo says he's "saving a lot of money this year."

He is scheduled to make $9 million this season.

Yahoo! Sports

Tags: Rajon Rondo, Boston Celtics, NBA, NBA CBA

Source: Carmelo Unafraid To Test New CBA

Oct 22, 2010 7:49 PM

A source with knowledge of Carmelo Anthony's strategy said the superstar is fully prepared to play the entire season without signing a contract extension.

"Carmelo is not afraid to go into next year and test the CBA," said the source.

One factor that could contribute to Anthony's willingness to play out the season is the possibility that the NBA could seek to roll back all salaries, regardless of whether the contract was signed before the new CBA or not.  If so, Anthony would be in the same financial position whether he signs an extension now or waits until free agency.

The franchise-player designation would be a way for the Nuggets to gain additional rights over Anthony they don't currently have.  But Stern himself seemed wary of this concept interfering with players' rights.

"I think that the franchise player is an interesting concept, I?m sure it will come up in collective bargaining," Stern said, "but I think players are entitled to get the benefit of what they bargained for. And the union bargains for free agency, the players serve out a certain contract length .... It?s hard for me to buy your premise that somebody who?s played for a certain number of years, under a contract, and is a free agent is thereby dictating where he?s going to play. He?s exercising his rights."

CBS Sports

Tags: Carmelo Anthony, Denver Nuggets, New York Knicks, Brooklyn Nets, NBA, NBA Signing Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor, NBA CBA

Carmelo Could Lose Out On $27M If He Hits Free Agency

Oct 22, 2010 4:45 PM

NBA commissioner David Stern said Thursday that owners want to cut salaries by a third in the next collective bargaining agreement, which could alter Carmelo Anthony's future.

Anthony hasn't signed a three-year, $64.47 million extension with the Nuggets that is one the table and he has the power to opt of of his contract and become a free agent next summer.

The current CBA expires on June 30, 2011, one day before Anthony would become free to sign with any team.

If Anthony were to sign the three-year contract extension before the June 30, 2011 deadline, he would be assured of $82.99 million over the next four seasons.

That includes the $18.52 million he would make next season if he doesn't opt out and extension numbers of $19.45 million in 2012-13, $21.49 million in 2013-14 and $23.53 million in 2014-15.

If a third is lopped off $82.99 million, Anthony is down to $55.33 million over the next four seasons, a loss of $27.66 million.


Tags: Carmelo Anthony, Denver Nuggets, NBA, NBA Signing Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor, NBA CBA

Stern Sounds Optimistic Tone About CBA Talks

Oct 22, 2010 4:05 PM

On Friday, David Stern offered some optimistic notes about the prospect of resolving the league's labor dispute with its players.

"We know we're going to get an agreement done," the commissioner said about completing a new collective bargaining agreement with the players union.

In reference to Billy Hunter's strong response to the league's stated desire to cut player salaries by one third, Stern said, "Classic negotiating rhetoric, probably on both sides."

Stern seemed to downplay the possibility of contracting whole franchises to solve the league's financial problems.

He said the NBA is "not spending a lot of time" on the subject of contraction but it "has to be discussed."

Stern thinks the NBA will thrive this season.

"I think we're going to have perhaps our best season ever this year," the commissioner said.

Ken Berger/CBS Sports (via Twitter)


Stern Supports Carmelo's Right To Free Agency

Oct 22, 2010 3:56 PM

David Stern indicated that he doesn't think Carmelo Anthony is doing anything improper by declining a contract extension with the Nuggets.

"Here we have a player who is keeping his options open," Stern said. "That's his right under the collective bargaining agreement, and I don't think it's fair to hold him to a higher standard."

Although Stern called "interesting" the idea of allowing teams special rights over one designated franchise player, the commissioner would not seek to apply that status to a would-be free agent like Anthony.

"I think players are entitled to get the benefit of what they bargained for ? free agency," he said.

Stern does not consider it at all destabilizing for the league when a marquee player exercises his right to become a free agent.

"Not in the least," he said.

Denver Post

Tags: Carmelo Anthony, Denver Nuggets, NBA, NBA Signing Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor, NBA CBA

Hunter: NBA's Proposals Will Lead To Lockout


Owners Want New BRI Formula


NBA Floats Contraction, Performance Standards To Avoid 33% Pay Cuts

CBS Sports

League Seeks One-Third Reduction In Player Salaries


GM Doesn't Expect Hard Cap Or Rollback Under New CBA

Sports Illustrated

Stern Seeks To Relieve Burden Of Bad Contracts

New York Times

Noah Was Motivated By New CBA, Potential Lockout To Sign Extension


NBA Has Yet To Assess Risk Of Lockout