June 2011 Basketball Wiretap

Wall Suspended, Howard, Ilgauskas Fined For Altercation

Mar 31, 2011 7:19 PM

The fallout from the Heat-Wizards fight on Wednesday night: John Wall was suspended one game, Zydrunas Ilgauskas received a $25,000 fine, and Juwan Howard was fined $35,000.

Wall will serve his suspension on Friday.

Ira Winderman/Sun Sentinal (via twitter)

Tags: John Wall, Juwan Howard, Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Miami Heat, Washington Wizards, NBA, NBA Suspension, NBA Fines

Van Gundy Told To Refrain From Future Comments On Commissioner

Mar 11, 2011 10:35 PM

Stan Van Gundy told the media that he was asked to refrain from commenting about David Stern.

"I've been told I can't comment," said Van Gundy when asked who directed him to refrain from further remarks.

Van Gundy defended the way referees treat Dwight Howard, who had been suspended for reaching 16 technical fouls.

Stern told ESPN radio on Thursday that he wouldn't fine Van Gundy, but that he would speak to ownership of the Magic.


Tags: Orlando Magic, NBA, NBA Fines
