June 2020 National Wiretap

Michael Jordan On Tape Admitting He Told Rod Thorn He Wouldn't Play With Isiah Thomas

May 26, 2020 12:07 PM

Audio of Michael Jordan has been published by Jack McMullum saying he wouldn't play for the United States in the Olympics if Isiah Thomas was also on the team.

"Rod Thorn called me, and I said, 'Rod, I won't play if Isiah Thomas is on the team,'" Jordan said in a 2011 interview.

"[Thorn] assured me," Jordan said. "He said, 'You know what? Chuck doesn't want Isiah. So, Isiah is not going to be part of the team.'"

Jordan contended in an interview in "The Last Dance" that he didn't influence the selection or omission of Thomas.

"Before the '92 Olympics, Rod Thorn calls me and says, 'We would love for you to be on the Dream Team,' Jordan said in the documentary. "I say, 'Who's all playing?' He says, 'What does that mean?' I say, 'Who's all playing?' He says, 'Well, the guy you're talking about or you're thinking about, he's not going to be playing.'

"I respect Isiah Thomas' talent. To me, the best point guard of all time is Magic Johnson and right behind him is Isiah Thomas. No matter how much I hate him, I respect his game. Now, it was insinuated that I was asking about him, but I never threw his name in there."

Thorn backed up Jordan's account.


Tags: United States, NBA, National, National Olympics, National Teams

FIBA Reschedules 2021 Olympic Qualifying Tournament For Next Summer

May 15, 2020 1:49 AM

FIBA pushed back the remaining four qualification tournaments for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics into next summer.

The four remaining tournaments will take place between June 29 through July 4, 2021. The Olympics are scheduled to start on July 23rd.

Canada, Croatia, Lithuania and Serbia are still set to host the tournaments.

Japan, Nigeria, Argentina, Iran, France, Spain, Australia and the U.S. have all qualified for the Olympics. 


Tags: National, National Olympics
