Ironi Ramat Gan Depth Charts

2023-2024 Ironi Ramat Gan Israeli BSL Depth Chart

Starters Jordan Cohen
9.8p 3.5r 2.8a
Itay Moskovits
9.8p 2.4r 2.2a
J.P. Tokoto
13.4p 6.0r 5.6a
Adam Ariel
8.8p 2.4r 1.6a
M. Mathiang
8.0p 10.8r 0.8a
Rotation Y. Sznajderman
2.8p 2.0r 2.0a
Michael Devoe
9.0p 3.2r 2.6a
Nuni Omot
15.4p 2.8r 1.4a
Rotation   Karam Mashour
1.5p 1.0r 0.3a
Yahel Melamed
6.5p 2.3r 0.5a
Lim PT         Benayu Sror
4.0p 3.5r 0.0a

* Depth Charts are updated daily throughout the season. The stats are based upon the last 5 games played.

2023-2024 Ironi Ramat Gan Leaders

MPG Kendale McCullum 28.4
FG% Benayu Sror .606
3P% Roey Ben-Kohav .500
FT% Isaiah Miles .838
ORPG Mangok Mathiang 2.5
DRPG Mangok Mathiang 8.2
RPG Mangok Mathiang 10.7
APG Kendale McCullum 5.8
BPG Benayu Sror 0.5
SPG Kendale McCullum 2.2
PPG Nuni Omot 15.5