June 2005 Minnesota Timberwolves Wiretap

Anyone But KG For Artest From Minnesota

Dec 31, 2005 2:47 PM

Minnesota is offering Indiana anyone on its roster not named Kevin Garnett in the hope of pairing Artest with KG. That's because the Wolves are as desperate as the Lakers to make a splashy move -- in their case to keep KG energized and confident in the club's direction -- and because they see KG and Artest (assuming Ron-Ron could actually be counted on) as a devastating combo.

If Artest wants to score more, as stated in his original trade demand, Garnett is unselfish enough to make that happen. And if Artest is ever going to defer to a teammate, KG also (theoretically) has the juice and presence to make that happen. The Wolves, though, have been trying to pull a third team into the mix to better their chances of assembling a package Indy likes.


Tags: Indiana Pacers, Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Wally Playing Amid Trade Rumors

Dec 31, 2005 5:15 AM

Timberwolves forward Wally Szczerbiak hears the trade talk.
Wolves vice president of basketball operations Kevin McHale has acknowledged that the organization has called the Indiana Pacers regarding Ron Artest.

So it's open season on trade speculation on sports talk radio and around office water coolers.

Artest is the hottest name on the market until the Pacers decide where to ship the former all-star.

Szczerbiak is aware of the speculation.

"It's tough not to (be). It's circulating so much," Szczerbiak said. "But I think this team is just focused on what we need to do. The coaches are keeping us really focused on playing games. We're trying not to worry about that. The whole Artest situation, we have to realize as players, is you never know when a deal will get done.
"It's been known that Indiana doesn't mind leaving him on the (inactive) list all year. We just have to go about our business and play our game and try to get wins."

When there is trade talk involving Minnesota, Szczerbiak's name has been near the top of the list for years. As a former all-star who is a career 50 percent shooter, he is an attractive commodity.

"First of all, I try not to read the papers and not even get involved in it," Szczerbiak said. "You just focus on your job and what you're there to do. If it happens, it happens."

Pioneer Press

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Wolves Confirm Interest In Artest

Dec 29, 2005 5:27 AM

Kevin McHale, the Timberwolves' vice president of basketball operations, acknowledged Wednesday that the organization is talking to the Indiana Pacers about acquiring Ron Artest.

The acknowledgement came after the Pioneer Press reported Wednesday, citing a source, that the Wolves contacted the Pacers last week and are among 10 teams in the running for the services of the mercurial all-star.

"A lot of people have talked to them, and we're one of the ones that have talked to them," McHale said.
McHale declined to discuss the situation in detail, including when he thinks the Pacers might pull the trigger on a trade.

Wolves forward Kevin Garnett said he thinks Artest could fit in with the club "under certain specifications."

"We have a group that knows how to play with each other," Garnett said. "I'm pretty stingy when it comes to my teammates. I'm tight with (expletive) near everybody here. If not, I'm growing a relationship with them. It doesn't matter what I think half the time. They're going to do it (trade for Artest), or they're not going to do it."

St Paul Pioneer Press

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Wolves Step Up Interest In Artest

Dec 28, 2005 2:39 AM

The Timberwolves contacted the Indiana Pacers last week and are interested in acquiring all-star Ron Artest, a source said Tuesday.

The discussions have not turned serious, and no formal trade offers have been made, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Wolves vice president of basketball operations Kevin McHale declined to comment through a spokesman, citing league rules against tampering with players under contract with other teams.

Artest's agent said his client would be excited to play with Wolves all-star Kevin Garnett.

"Ron, he loves K.G.," agent Mark Stevens said. "He loves his game. It would be an honor and a privilege to play by his side."

Donnie Walsh, the Indiana Pacers' CEO and president, said about 10 teams are involved in the Artest discussions.

It would make sense that the Pacers, considered an Eastern Conference heavyweight, would want to trade Artest to a Western Conference team such as Minnesota. That would mean the Pacers wouldn't have to face Artest and his new team in the Eastern Conference playoffs.

Walsh said more Western Conference teams are involved in the Artest talks than Eastern Conference teams.

"For sure I want to get this narrowed down by the end of the week to see what's real and not real," Walsh said. "You really don't have a deal until you do it. As of right now, there's a lot of interest. There's no deal close."

San Jose Mercury

Tags: Indiana Pacers, Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Help Is On The Way From D-League For Timberwolves

Dec 28, 2005 2:27 AM

Concerned about Michael Olowokandi's and Mark Madsen's availability because of injuries, the Timberwolves on Tuesday called up rookie center Dwayne Jones from their affiliate in the NBA Development League.

Jones, 22, a 6-11 free-agent addition last summer from St. Joseph's, is expected to join the Wolves in time for their game tonight against the Seattle SuperSonics, possibly even for the shootaround this morning at Target Center.

Jones averaged 9.7 points, 11.6 rebounds and 28.9 minutes in 10 appearances for the Florida Flame, the minor-league team that serves as the affiliate for Minnesota, Boston, Miami and Orlando. He ranked second in the D-League in rebounding and first in offensive boards (4.9).

Minneapolis Star-Tribune

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Sore Elbow Sidelines Olowokandi

Dec 27, 2005 5:10 AM

A rough few days for Timberwolves center Michael Olowokandi just got worse.

A sore right elbow landed him on the inactive list for the first time this season, before Monday night's 103-89 loss to the Phoenix Suns at Target Center. Mark Madsen took his place in the starting lineup.

This comes after Olowokandi fouled out in 14 minutes and subsequently was ejected during Friday night's loss to Portland.

He criticized the officiating and seemed to make a thinly veiled reference that coach Dwane Casey should have stood up to the officials.

Olowokandi was diagnosed with bursitis, an inflammation of the protective bursa sack in the elbow. An X-ray was negative, ruling out a fracture. Casey said before Monday's game that Olowokandi aggravated the injury during that morning's shootaround.

St Paul Pioneer Press

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Olowokandi Mum On Names

Dec 25, 2005 5:48 AM

Timberwolves center Michael Olowokandi didn't back down or apologize.

Olowokandi said Saturday he didn't believe he hurt his team by getting ejected for two technical fouls during the fourth quarter of Friday night's 91-83 loss to the Portland Trail Blazers at Target Center.

Olowokandi wouldn't name names Friday night when he said a "person of authority" should have stood up to the officials.
That seemed to be a thinly veiled reference to coach Dwane Casey, who hasn't been called for a technical foul or been ejected this season.

"I never said Case didn't back me up," Olowokandi said after Saturday's practice. "It was a close game, obviously, and he was out there trying to coach the team. I don't want to turn this into a Case thing. I said a person of authority."

So maybe he was talking about eight-time all-star Kevin Garnett?

"I'm not coming up with any specific names," Olowokandi said. "I just said a person of authority. You can fill in the blanks if you want, but don't try to have me start naming names, and saying maybe Case or maybe K.G. or whatever. ? I just said a person of authority should have said something or spoken up about it."

St Paul Pioneer Press

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Skita Calms Down Complaints

Dec 11, 2005 1:22 PM

Timberwolves forward Nikoloz Tskitishvili toned down his comments Saturday, two days after he said he wanted to be traded, but it's clear the issue isn't disappearing any time soon.

Tskitishvili is frustrated with his lack of playing time with the Wolves, zero minutes heading into Saturday night's game against the Los Angeles Lakers. He avoided affirming or denying whether he still wants to be traded.

"I'm cool," he said. "I said what I had to say. I was probably frustrated, which is normal that I'm upset. But hopefully things will get better."

Point guard Troy Hudson was sidelined with an injury, so there was room for Tskitishvili on the active roster. It was just his third game on the active roster this season. Still, he continues to hunger for minutes.

"It doesn't matter if I'm sitting behind the bench (on the inactive list) or on the bench, you know what I'm saying?" Tskitishvili said.

Pioneer Press

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Tskitishvili Will Need To Earn His Playing Time

Dec 10, 2005 12:24 AM

On Friday Nikoloz Tskitishvili did a lot of listening, then declined to talk.

He had a long conference at center court of the Timberwolves' practice facility with coach Dwane Casey as practice was ending. Then, after being the last player off the court, he had a long sit-down with assistant coach Bob Thornton.

The subject, clearly, was Tskitishvili's unhappiness with his lack of playing time and his reported desire to be traded. Although Casey wouldn't divulge specifics of his conversation with the 22-year-old forward, he had some comments about Tskitishvili's expressed unhappiness.

"We're not going to trade a player because he asked to be traded," Casey said.

There's more. About Tskitishvili's lack of playing time? Earn it.

"Nothing will be given to anybody in this league...," Casey said. "No player, Skita or [Kevin Garnett] or Richie Frahm, will be given minutes. That's going to be our philosophy, that's going to be our stance. We're not going to trade a player just because he's unhappy. If a player earns his time, he will get it, pure and simple."

St Paul Pioneer Press

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Wolves' Tskitishvili Wants To Be Traded

Dec 9, 2005 7:00 AM

Timberwolves forward Nikoloz Tskitishvili said Thursday that he wants to be traded.

Tskitishvili hasn't played through 17 games this season. With Troy Hudson out because of a knee injury, Tskitishvili was active Wednesday night during an 84-74 victory at Portland. But Tskitishvili, a 22-year-old 7-footer, was frustrated he did not play.

"This is not my rookie year," he said. "You don't bring me here just to sit on the bench. This is not why I came here. I thought this was going to be a good opportunity for me. I hope it's not going to continue like this. I'm looking forward to moving on as soon as I can."

Tskitishvili said he's happy his teammates are playing well but at this point in his NBA career ? his fourth season ? he wants to play. He doesn't see room in the rotation at forward.

Eddie Griffin has played a key role off the bench with his shot blocking and rebounding. That has limited chances for Tskitishvili. The Wolves are atop the NBA's Northwest Division, which means the team is unlikely to shake up the rotation.

"I don't think they bring you in and sit down Eddie Griffin because Griffin is doing really well," Tskitishvili said.

St Paul Pioneer Press

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA

Skita Feels Wolves Haven't Lived Up To Promises

St. Paul Pioneer Press

Griffin Emerging As A Leading Shotblocker

Pioneer Press

Hoiberg On The Mend

St. Paul Pioneer Press

Pistons And Knicks Make Offers For KG

LA Times