June 2013 National Wiretap

LeBron James Hopeful To Play For Team USA In 2016 Olympics

Oct 28, 2013 12:41 PM

LeBron James says he is hopeful to represent Team USA in the 2016 Olympics as long as he is healthy.

A decision has not been finalized yet by James.

"No, I'm not officially in, just yet," James said. "But hopefully, I can be healthy enough and on top of my game at that point where I'll be taken."

When told he will not have to worry about being selected, James said: "Hopefully."

James has helped lead the U.S. team to the gold medal in 2008 and 2012.

David Aldridge/NBA.com

Tags: LeBron James, Miami Heat, NBA, NBA Misc Rumor, National, National Olympics

Kleiza Has No Interest In Ever Returning To NBA

Oct 17, 2013 1:50 PM

Linas Kleiza signed with Fenerbahce Ulker in the offseason, returning to Europe after a four-year deal with the Toronto Raptors.

Kleiza said he has no interest in returning to the NBA after being amnestied by the Toronto Raptors in July.

Kleiza also talked about how there are only a few teams in the NBA that can win a championship.

Vytautas Mikaitis/lrytas.lt

Tags: Linas Kleiza, Fenerbahce Beko, NBA, National, International Teams

Popovich Believes NBA Ready For Foreign Head Coach

Oct 10, 2013 12:50 PM

Gregg Popovich believes the NBA is ready for a head coach from overseas.

“A lot of guys could be coaching in our league,” he said. “Basketball has become an international sport. The coaches have improved all over the world, just like players have. There are good coaches and good players no matter where one might look.”

Ettore Messina served as a consultant to the Los Angeles Lakers during the 11-12 season and he would love the opportunity for a head coaching job in the NBA.

Dan McCarney/San Antonio Express-News

Tags: San Antonio Spurs, NBA, International, National
