June 2017 Basketball Wiretap

Chris Paul Re-Elected NBPA President, Garrett Temple Elected VP

Jun 24, 2017 7:20 PM

Chris Paul has been re-elected as president of the National Basketball Players Association and his new four-year term begins immediately. 

Paul says he's "humbled that my fellow players have voted to have me continue."

Garrett Temple has been elected vice president, replacing Kyle Korver.

Paul helped the players avoid a lockout by renegotiating the NBA's collective bargaining agreement with the owners.


Tags: Chris Paul, Garrett Temple, Los Angeles Clippers, Sacramento Kings, NBA, NBA CBA

New Max Contracts Detailed At $99M Salary Cap For 17-18

Jun 27, 2017 7:42 PM

With the NBA cap now estimated to be $99 million, the max salaries we penciled in for several 2017 free agents will now be lower.

- Five-year supermax/10-years of service max: $200,970,000 

This max contract applies to Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant with the Warriors, Chris Paul with the Clippers, Kyle Lowry with the Raptors, and Paul Millsap with the Hawks.

- Four-year max contract for 10-year players with incumbent team: $155,232,000

This max contract applies to Durant, Paul, Lowry and Millsap re-signing with their respective teams.

- Four-year max contract for 10-year players with rival team: $148,995,000

This max contract applies to Durant, Paul, Lowry and Millsap signing with another team.

- Five-year max contract at 30 percent of cap: $172,260,000

This max contract applies most notably to Gordon Hayward and Blake Griffin.

- Four-year max contract at 30 percent of cap with incumbent team: $133,056,000

- Four-year max contract at 30 percent of cap with rival team: $127,710,000

Keith Smith/RealGM

Tags: NBA, NBA Signing Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor, NBA CBA

NBA's Salary Cap Estimate For 17-18 Drops To $99M

Jun 21, 2017 11:28 PM

The NBA has informed teams the new cap is expected to be at $99 million for the 17-18 season.

The most recent projection in April was at $101 million.

Before that lowered projection, it was at $103 million and was at one time projected to be as high as $108 million.

The cap for the 16-17 season was $94.1 million.

A drop in the number of playoff games played contributed to the drop, as did teams spending more in 2016 free agency than anticipated.

Jay King/Boston Globe

Tags: NBA, NBA Misc Rumor, NBA CBA

NBA Likely To Enact Set Of Guidelines On Player Rest For 17-18

Jun 9, 2017 9:30 PM

Adam Silver was asked whether the NBA may put a set of rules into play to restrict teams from resting players.

The NBA's broadcast partners and fans were upset with how teams rested healthy players.

"We're not ready to go there yet," said Silver. "We had a conference call with the competition committee earlier today, and as I had said the other day, where we're heading is the adoption of a set of guidelines that will be in place for next season which will strongly recommend that the extent players are rested, they're rested at home and not rest multiple starters on the same night.

"Let's see how that plays out.

"I'm reluctant to get into the business of directing these great coaches on minutes because players are often injured during the season but not to the point where they otherwise can play but maybe shouldn't play but it's a function of league doctors versus team doctors on how healthy a player is and whether it's appropriate the player be out on the floor on that night. 

"I would like to come up with a system that relies on the good faith of our teams that the extent rest is necessary and it's done in an appropriate way."

Marc Stein/ESPN


Adam Silver: Cap Smoothing In 2016 Would Have Only Impacted Kevin Durant

Jun 9, 2017 9:04 PM

The NBA sought a mechanism within their latest collective bargaining agreement discussions with the union where cap smoothing would have been part of any future spikes. The union were not interested in having that as part of the new CBA.

The Golden State Warriors' ability to sign Kevin Durant has led some to question the ramifications of not including cap smoothing, though they had a special set of circumstances where Stephen Curry was on a well below max contract.

"Smoothing and the cap spike ultimately relates to one player," said Silver. "We're talking about the fact that the Warriors had room to sign Kevin Durant.

"My preference would have been for the cap increase would have been smoothed in, but the movement of one player can't possibly speak to competitive balance across the whole league."

Marc Stein/ESPN

Tags: Kevin Durant, Golden State Warriors, NBA, NBA CBA

Adam Silver: NBA Has Long History Of Great Competition

Jun 9, 2017 8:56 PM

With the Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers meeting in The Finals for the third straight season and Kevin Durant seemingly tilt the balance of power entirely, Adam Silver was asked about what fans of the other teams should consider about the current state of the BNA.

"I love competition too, but we're going to celebrate excellence in this league," said Silver. "The notion is that teams will double down on their efforts. They're going to draft well, they're going to trade well. They're going to develop their own players and they're going to compete.

"It's always been the nature of this game that you're going to have dominant teams. There's this notion somehow that talent is completely static, that teams don't get better, that players don't get better, I think makes no sense. There's this long history of great competition in this league."

Silver said there's other issues with player development that the NBA needs to address.

Marc Stein/ESPN


NBA Doesn't View GM Requesting Player To Accept Trade As Reciprocal, Subject To Fine

Jun 1, 2017 11:33 PM

While Michele Roberts called for the NBA to discipline Phil Jackson for publicly requesting Carmelo Anthony allow the New York Knicks to trade him, Adam Silver had a differing opinion.

The NBA routinely will fine players who publicly request a trade.

"We did not consider disciplining Phil Jackson for those comments about potentially trading Carmelo," said Silver. "The view of the league is that it’s not reciprocal. Players can’t trade themselves. Teams can trade players. So there’s never been a history in this league of fining a team or disciplining a team executive for talking about trading a player. And that’s all I have to say on that."

Due to the nature of Anthony's no-trade clause, the Knicks need his permission in order to execute a trade and Jackson's comments were essentially a public request for him to do so.

RealGM Staff Report

Tags: Carmelo Anthony, New York Knicks, NBA, NBA CBA

NBA Still Not Looking At Expansion Despite New CBA

Jun 1, 2017 10:22 PM

Adam Silver was asked about the NBA's plans for expansion in the near or long-term by Danny Leroux of RealGM during his press conference before the start of The Finals.

With the NBA agreeing upon a new collective bargaining agreement, many have expected expansion to be their next major initiative.

"Expansion is not something we’re looking at right now. It is less a function of labor peace, it more goes to the strength of a 30-team league," said Silver. "The initial question today was what do you feel about the competitive balance when two teams blew through the Playoffs? From my standpoint, for the league, you want ultimately a league where 30 teams are in a position where they can ultimately compete for championships and also be economically viable. From an economic standpoint, we are doing better than we did historically, but we’re still not at a point where we have 30 teams that are profitable. And in terms of the pool of talent, it’s quite remarkable to me that people can look at this league and say there are only two teams that can compete when every great player in the world, whether they’re from China or whether they’re from Pittsburgh, ends up in this league.

"So I also have to look at the potential for dilution of the existing talent we have before we expand. I have no doubt at some point we’ll turn back to it, but at least in my last discussions with our owners on this, most of them said let’s keep focusing on the health of these 30 teams and the quality of the competition. When we feel we’re in a better place with the 30 teams we have, maybe at that point we can look to expand."

The Seattle SuperSonics relocated to Oklahoma City in 2008 and the absence of the NBA in that market has received widespread criticism. The NBA intervened when a group of investors from Seattle attempted to purchase the Sacramento Kings and relocate them.

RealGM Staff Report


NBA Continues To Seek Increase Of Age Limit

Jun 1, 2017 9:08 PM

Adam Silver continues to seek a change of the NBA's current rule of players needing to be 19 years old and one year removed from high school before entering the draft.

"The college coaches and athletic directors I hear from, they're not happy with the current system. And I know our teams aren't happy either, in part because they don't necessarily think the players who are coming into the league are getting the kind of training they would expect to see among top draft picks in the league," Silver said.

The NBA proposed raising the age limit to 20 while the union preferred allowing players to enter the league directly from high school.

"From a league standpoint you always want to see great competition," Silver said. " ... Having said that, this is real life. It’s not scripted and it happens, so sure the fan in me would love to see more competition at times. On the other hand, I’ve said before I think we should also celebrate excellence. I think people are also inspired by seeing such tremendous play, by seeing teams come together the way they have, I think their play has been inspiring, I think they’ve done it in the right way, and I also think these things have a way or workings themselves out."

Jeff Zillgitt/USA Today

Tags: NBA, NBA NBA Draft, NBA Draft General, NBA CBA
