NCAA WiretapJune 2008 NCAA Wiretap

Jennings: College No Guarantee Even If SAT OK

Jun 30, 2008 3:36 AM

Brandon Jennings, the nation's top-ranked player, may bypass college entirely and opt for a professional career in Europe, Christopher Lawlor from is reporting.

There are questions surrounding whether or not his SAT score will qualify him for college, but now he is considering going to Europe even if he does make the grade.

"It would take a perfect situation," Jennings said. "I need a team that needs a point guard, a coach who would take the time to work with me, an American on the team who could show me the ropes, and playing time to show off my game."

Jennings, who is expected to receive his latest set of SAT scores on July 5, is not ruling out the University of Arizona, but the latest episode has stirred his ire.

"It's made me mad," he said of the college board's decision to flag his second round of standardized test scores, forcing him to retake them in May. "Even if I get the scores this time, there's no guarantee I'm going to college. No one has answers and the NCAA is a different group."

"Besides I was planning on one year at Arizona."


Tags: NCAA

Lawson, Ellington, And Green All Returning To UNC

Jun 16, 2008 4:10 PM

Ty Lawson, Wayne Ellington, and Danny Green are all headed back to Chapel Hill, according to multiple sources close to the situation.

"They are all going back to school," one source said. "None of them were 100 percent sure they would be taken in the first round."


Tags: NCAA, NBA, NBA NBA Draft
