NCAA WiretapJune 2010 NCAA Wiretap

Thomas Remains Focused On FIU

Feb 7, 2010 10:29 AM

Isiah Thomas said Saturday that he remained focused on his current job at Florida International and wouldn't say whether he had any talks about joining the Clippers.

FOX Sports reported that Thomas was under consideration for a job with the Clippers, a story that the team denied to

Thomas is in his first season coaching FIU.

"Before we talk about the game, let me just clear up some other business," he said.

"I'm very happy here at FIU. We've got a great recruiting class coming in next year, one of the best recruiting classes in the school's history, and my 2011 class, I hope that's even better. I think we've got a chance to build something really special here."

Yahoo! Sports

Tags: NCAA

Wall Diffuses Speculation Of Conflict With Calipari

Feb 1, 2010 10:13 PM

John Wall shot down speculation on Monday that a disconnect had been growing between himself and Kentucky head coach John Calipari.

"I love Coach Cal, he loves me and we're just trying to get everything down pat," Wall said Monday. "We're cool where we're at."

On Saturday, Wall told reporters, "I didn't think I played that bad. I don't know what to expect. He's probably going to say I played bad (against Vandy), too. I just try not to listen to him and go out and play basketball and try and help my team win."

Wall clarified his "try not to listen" to Calipari comment.

"I listen to Coach Cal, because I know he knows what he was doing with (former Memphis guards) Derrick Rose and Tyreke Evans," Wall said. "At the same time, I felt I didn't play bad (against South Carolina) at that time. That's why I said the things I said. I was frustrated. When you're frustrated, you're going to say a lot of things you don't mean."

USA Today

Tags: NCAA
