NBA commissioner Adam Silver was a guest on SiriusXM NBA Radio on Tuesday night. One of the topics he discussed with Justin Termine and Eddie Johnson was the idea of a two-night NBA Draft. Silver said that is the direction the NBA is heading.

“We're working on it. And it's something that we have to continue to work through with our network, ESPN and ABC, which broadcast the draft. And then, of course, with the Players Association," Silver said.

He touched on it being unfair to players and teams that they are still working into the late hours of the evening or next morning. Silver mentioned that players like Nikola Jokic and Draymond Green were drafted in the second round and missed having the spotlight on them. Silver also said it's good to give teams a chance to reset before the second round.

"The other advantage to moving the second round to a separate night just gives more time for the announcers like you guys, the media, to have a better understanding of who those players are. A little bit more time between picks to talk about who they are and why they make sense for those teams," Silver said. "Also, maybe even more importantly, gives our general managers the opportunity to reset after the first round and say, alright, this is where we stand. We got this player we were hoping to get. We didn't get that player. Let's re-assess what our needs are. Maybe there's been some surprises in the first round. Take a fresh look at those pool of players going into the second night. So like, I'm hoping to get there actually for this season, for this June, and move the second round to its own night.”