The NBA has no plans to fine Jim Dolan for an email to longtime New York Knicks fan Irving Bierman in which he suggested Bierman is an "alcoholic."

“Jim is a consummate New Yorker,” Adam Silver said. “Jim got an unkind email and responded with an unkind email.”

Bierman criticized Dolan in his email exchange, which was leaked recently.

Dolan responded: “You are a sad person. Why would anybody write such a hateful letter. I am just guessing but ill bet your life is a mess and you are a hateful mess. What have you done that anyone would consider positive or nice. I am betting nothing.

“In fact ill bet you are negative force in everyone who comes in contact with you. You most likely have made your family miserable. Alcoholic maybe. I just celebrated my 21 year anniversary of sobriety. You should try it. Maybe it will help you become a person that folks would like to have around.”