LeBron James plans to attend league meetings during this month's All-Star weekend in Los Angeles.

He reiterated Tuesday that he'll be part of the discussions about the NBA's future.

"I'm not just going out there for the game," James said. "I'm definitely going out there for business. I will be a part of the labor talks. Even though it's a huge game going on Sunday, there's a lot of business that needs to be taken care of, too."

The NBA's collective bargaining agreement is set to expire on June 30 and there's widespread concern about a lockout.

James Jones is Miami's player rep, but LeBron said he's willing to speak up if he has to.

"I'm going to listen a lot, because it's not like I'm there on every conversation or every phone call that they have," James said. "I don't know all, but as a player, as a person of this league, I know a lot about this league. If I feel like a comment needs to be said from me, I've never been one to hold my tongue. So I'll definitely voice my opinion."