A source with knowledge of Carmelo Anthony's strategy said the superstar is fully prepared to play the entire season without signing a contract extension.

"Carmelo is not afraid to go into next year and test the CBA," said the source.

One factor that could contribute to Anthony's willingness to play out the season is the possibility that the NBA could seek to roll back all salaries, regardless of whether the contract was signed before the new CBA or not.  If so, Anthony would be in the same financial position whether he signs an extension now or waits until free agency.

The franchise-player designation would be a way for the Nuggets to gain additional rights over Anthony they don't currently have.  But Stern himself seemed wary of this concept interfering with players' rights.

"I think that the franchise player is an interesting concept, I?m sure it will come up in collective bargaining," Stern said, "but I think players are entitled to get the benefit of what they bargained for. And the union bargains for free agency, the players serve out a certain contract length .... It?s hard for me to buy your premise that somebody who?s played for a certain number of years, under a contract, and is a free agent is thereby dictating where he?s going to play. He?s exercising his rights."