Miami president Pat Riley is going to look for a way to get under the NBA's luxury-tax threshold prior to February's trade deadline.

The Miami Herald writes that a likely scenario would involve the Heat trading a low-salaried player to a team below the cap that could take on the contract without having to send a player back in return.

Teams that finish the season below the league's $71.2 million luxury-tax threshold would be in line to receive an estimated $4.4 million rebate from a tax fund.

"When you stop and think about exactly what that means, it's a $7 million swing," Riley said Sunday. "So that's nothing to sneeze at. If you have the ability to move in that direction, then you have to do it."

Strictly from a numbers standpoint, dealing swingman Dorell Wright, who has a $2.9 million salary, would essentially wipe out Miami's tax.