Stephen Jackson is waiting his turn in line for a big contract like the ones a number of his teammates received this offseason.

Jackson, 30, has two years and $14.89 million left on his contract, with $7.14 million of that total coming this season.

Jackson was slated to be the second-highest paid player on the team this season, to Al Harrington, but that was before the Warriors gave extensions to Monta Ellis (six years, $66 million), Andris Biedrins (six years, $54 million) and signed Corey Maggette (five years, $50 million).

"It's something I always think about," Jackson said recently. "It's definitely something that has to be addressed because of what I do for this team and what I've done since I've been here, bringing this team from one of the bottom teams in the league to a playoff team, to a team that won 49 games. It's not what I want, it's what I deserve...I won't be comfortable going into this season knowing I have to play this whole season being the fifth highest-paid and not get an extension. I would not be happy."

Jackson can't receive a pay increase midcontract, due to the Collective Bargaining Agreement, but he is up for an extension.

"I feel real confident that I will have it soon," he said. "I will get something done soon, before the season starts.

"So in the position I'm in now, being the (sixth)-highest paid player, I feel like from the conversations I've had with the team that it won't be like that once the season starts."

RealGM Note: Jackson was 67th in season FIC and 'deserved' to make $8.84 million, giving him an impressive Reina Value of +31%.