Over the past few weeks, several NBA general managers have told ESPN.com that agent Dan Fegan has been searching out potential sign-and-trade deals for disgruntled restricted free agent Anderson Varejao, according to ESPN writer Chad Ford.

In recent days, there have been indications that the Cavs are open to the possibility of a sign-and-trade.

Two GMs told ESPN.com they believe Varejao would agree to a five-year, $45-million deal in a sign-and-trade, if such an offer were made.

"If that's the price, or close to it, I think Danny [Ferry] will get some offers that make sense for the Cavs," one GM said. "I'm not sure he'll get equal value, but right now he has nothing and I don't see it changing."

If Varejao leaves, it will be a bitter ending for both parties. But at this point, that might be the most workable option.

"I'm willing to go and play in Europe if that's what it takes," Varejao said. "I know it's a risk and I'll be a restricted free agent next year, but at least I'd be happy. I don't think I'll be happy in Cleveland knowing that I was [almost] the lowest-paid player there for three years and am still paid much less than players on the team that I outperform. Life's too short to be unhappy."