As usual, Monday's performances were summarized. Mark set out to entertain but didn't impress the judges. Jane was thrilled to be compared to Edyta, who is only in her 20's. Cameron was pleased with the intense chemistry that he had with Edyta. Jennie joked that while she might not have Bruno's support, Len was on her side. Sabrina's hot and heavy Rumba earned her another ten. Helio had a setback but tried to laugh off Len's dentist comment. Maks dorked out about getting to meet the Spice Girls. Marie's collapse was saved for last, and additional footage from during the commercial break was shown. Not cool. In an interview, Marie explained that she occasionally gets winded and passes out in response to stress. She was an amazingly good sport about all of it. I saw a promo for Entertainment Tonight, and they actually made her watch it again on-camera. Morbid much?

The leaderboard read as follows: Marie Osmond and Mark Cuban were tied for 7th, with 21 points; Helio Castroneves was in 6th place, with 23 points (his lowest score so far); Jennie Garth came in 5th, with 25; Cameron Mathison and Jane Seymour tied for 3rd, with 26 points; Sabrina Bryan was a close second, with 28 points; finally, Melanie Brown was in the lead (for the first time ever) with 29.