Kobe Bryant has a supporter for his vendetta with Lakers management, and it comes from an unlikely source, The Los Angeles Times is reporting.

Head coach Phil Jackson made his views clear this week in a series of interviews that, in subtler tones, were just as indelibly damaging as Bryant's tagging spree of several months ago.

Like Bryant, Jackson said that a member of the Buss family misled him.

"We were promised by Jim Buss we'd have big changes," he told Petros Papadakis and Matt Smith on their KLAC radio show. "We've yet to see that. We're still looking for that."

Like Bryant, Jackson intimated that Andrew Bynum might be more valuable as trade bait.

"There's incredible pressure for that kid to step up and produce this year," he told the radio hosts, later adding, "He hasn't had the kind of success that generates the kind of press he's had."

Finally, like Bryant, Jackson talked about the need for the Lakers to repair the relationship torn apart by Bryant.

"I think actions are going to have to speak louder than words..." he told The Times' Mark Heisler. "It's going to take some mending and other people in this organization have to be part of it, too."