Doc Rivers and the Boston Celtics haven?t discussed terms of a new contract, but Rivers believes things will work out. According to Paul Pierce, the continuity is important.
?If you?re talking about getting off to a good start, then it?s good,? he said. ?I mean, you?ve got a number of guys who are going to be here (and) you?ve got a number of guys who are not going to be here. And if this organization is serious about getting off to a good start, getting to the playoffs, making a deep run for next year, I think that?s good.
?When you get a whole new coach and get whole new players, then the tendency is to get off to a slow start because you?ve got to implement the guys. You?ve got to know people?s tendencies. You?ve got to get to know your players. There?s a lot of things that come along with getting a new coach. So I think it?s good (Rivers will likely stay), especially with a team that?s serious about moving forward next year.?
Perkins was pleased to hear the news.
?It feels good, but I didn?t think there was going to be a change anyway,? he said. ?I think he deserves it. With all the things that happened this year, Doc didn?t give up on us. He stuck with it. He coached a lot of young guys to be better than they were at the beginning of the season, so I think he?s doing his job. A lot of things he?s done have come under the table. It doesn?t really come to light just how much he means to this team, but he means a lot to us.?