According to the Chicago Tribune, Bulls guard Ben Gordon reiterated on Wednesday that he wants to remain a Bull and that he does not expect to be traded.

"This is where I want to play for the rest of my career," Gordon said. "Hopefully, everything will work out that way."

The New York Post printed an article earlier in the week citing that the two teams were discussing a deal focused around Gordon, a claim strongly denied by Paxson.

"I have not spoken to that organization since last October, so the Post has printed something that is false," Paxson told the Sun-Times. "If the Knicks do plan on making an inquiry, they can save themselves a phone call because I'm not interested."

Paxson delivered a similar message to Gordon's agent.

"I was very happy with that," Gordon said after a news conference at "one sixtyblue" ? a restaurant near the United Center part-owned by Michael Jordan ? to launch his energy drink "BG7." "Paxson has told me numerous times throughout the season, and just recently, that they don't plan on trading me."