Tim Thomas was frustrated with how his situation in Chicago was perceived, but he is now happy he found a home in Phoenix.

"To end up in this situation is just a blessing," he said. "I'm not going nowhere."

Thomas has said that he hopes to re-sign with Phoenix during the summer, as it is the most fun he has had playing basketball in many years.

"With a guy like Steph, you can't really get involved unless he lets you get involved," Thomas said. "He's a scoring point guard. And scoring point guards don't really look to give the ball up as much."

Thomas gets to play with Steve Nash now instead.

"He's always looking to give the ball up," Thomas said. "And it makes your job a whole lot easier, because if you run the floor, you definitely know you're going to get it, rather than running the floor knowing that you're not going to get it. And then the next time you don't run the floor and everybody looks at you like you're crazy."