Andres Nocioni was clearly angry when he took an intentional elbow in the back of the head from Josh Childress late in the Bulls? 96-90 victory at Atlanta on Wednesday.

After watching a replay of what made Childress upset, Nocioni offered an apology following Thursday?s practice at the Berto Center. Nocioni was boxing out on a rebound with his arms spread wide and struck Childress in the mouth.

?I didn?t know,? Nocioni said. ?In the game, I think, ?Why did he hit me?? I didn?t understand the reaction. But then when I saw the tape, I apologize to him.

?It was not my intention. I tried to box him out and I hit him in the face.?

When Childress retaliated, he was immediately thrown out of the game and given a grade 2 flagrant foul.