Seeking a way to extend forward Ndudi Ebi's fledgling career with the team, the Timberwolves have petitioned the NBA for an exception to the eligibility rules for the new Developmental League system.

Ebi, a 2003 first-round draft pick, made only 19 appearances for a total of 86 minutes in his first two NBA seasons, yet would not qualify to play in the "D" league as a Wolves property. Currently, in the new affiliation system, a player can be assigned to a developmental team during his first two seasons only.

If the exception isn't granted, Ebi might be released by the end of the month despite a guaranteed salary ($803,600) for this season. He still could play in the minor league -- but the Wolves would lose his rights.

Team owner Glen Taylor and General Manager Jim Stack confirmed the club's request on Ebi's behalf.

"We're just looking to see if there's any wiggle room for a guy who might fall between the cracks," Stack said Thursday night before the Wolves' game against the Indiana Pacers at the MetraPark Arena.