Heat President Pat Riley warned Wednesday not to dismiss Gary Payton as a Heat free-agent target.

"Gary Payton is the best available player out there now," Riley said. "He's an incredible athlete. He's in great shape. He's never been hurt. He might be 37 years old, but he's aberrational when it comes to perimeter players who can still play at a very high level in this league at that age and keep up with the young guys.

"Gary, his numbers from last year were as good as a number of young guards in this league. What he is, is he's proven. He's got savvy. He's fearless. And he can still play."

Although Riley declined to discuss specific plans, the Heat apparently is weighing adding a point guard over a small forward, as well as debating youth vs. experience.

Riley hinted that Payton's willingness to play a supporting role behind starter Jason Williams could be a factor.

"I have tremendous, tremendous respect for veteran players," he said. "And I don't ever want to put a veteran player in a position where he's not going to be happy, where he doesn't understand what the role is."