Detroit Pistons coach Larry Brown is unaware of the supposed ultimatium from Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert on the supposed deadline for today on whether or not to accept their team presidency but even if their was one, his plans remained unchanged for next season.

Brown still plans to make a decision on his future with the Pistons 72 hours after their season ends. Inbetween that time, Brown will visit the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn and could possibily have a second operation to correct a bladder problem he has had since Nov.3.

"Brown said last week that if the condition was fixed, he planned to return to coach the Pistons. If not, he said he might pursue other noncoaching basketball opportunities -- one of which could be as president of basketball operations for the Cavaliers. "

"No, I talked to Joe (Dumars) and everything is the same," Brown said before Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals Sunday night against the Miami Heat.

A local TV station in Detroit says a deal with the Cavaliers is 90 percent complete but Brown denied it as well.

It looks like the Larry Brown saga will continue.