Suns guard Joe Johnson underwent successful surgery for a displaced fracture of the orbital bone at Good Samaritan Hospital this morning. Dr. Edward Joganic performed the surgery and was assisted by Dr. Stephen Beals.

?He underwent reconstructive surgery for an orbital fracture. Surgery went smoothly and he is expected to recover fully. We will continue to evaluate Joe and assess his ability to play in the remainder of the playoffs in one week,? said Joganic.

Suns President and General Manager Bryan Colangelo after visiting Johnson this morning said, ?All I can say is that Joe is one tough kid. Despite what he went through, he was upbeat and looked great. We are all happy that a full recovery is expected.?

Johnson?s injury occurred with 19.7 seconds remaining in the second quarter of last night?s Game 2 of the Western Conference Semifinals vs. the Dallas Mavericks.  Johnson also suffered a mild concussion and received six stitches above his left eye.

He will not return until a potential Game 7 at the earliest.