Eddie Robinson was looking forward to put the disappointment of last season behind him and start fresh this year, earn the respect of his coach and make an impact on the court as a member of the Chicago Bulls.  

All this was on track until Robinson missed both Wednesday practices after jamming his toe when he bumped into Eddy Curry late Tuesday. Robinson, who has been injury plagued in his time with the Bulls, finished that practice but didn't go Wednesday.

This isn't good timing for Robinson, whose pain tolerance always has been questioned. Skiles didn't play him 27 times last season, his first, mostly injury-free season as a Bull.

"I can't do anything about it," Robinson said. "I'm being cautious because I don't want the injury to have me out all year. I went off the court before it got worse. I know the feeling, so I just stopped."

Robinson missed 53 games in 2001-02 because of a sesamoid fracture in the toe, and missed 18 games in 2002-03 with hamstring and knee problems.