Nuggets owner, Stan Kroenke, is now calling his team, ?one of the top three teams in the West,? with the addition of Kenyon Martin.

"With our team from last season, we could match and compete with most teams. Now if you come in (to Denver) and you're one of the best teams, we can beat you. Last season, we thought we could beat you. This season, we're going to strap it on. ... I think we're one of the top three teams in the West. You can make that argument."  Kroenke said.

Kroenke is very excited about the addition of ex-Nets-center Kenyon Martin and believes he will be the catalyst, along with last years stand-out, Carmelo Anthony, to a championship team in 2005.

"I've watched him (Martin) play since college. He was head and shoulders above everyone before he broke his leg (as a senior). He was still drafted first (in 2000). He is a great player with leadership qualities."