Jim Harrick is back in basketball.

Harrick, who resigned from the head coaching position at the University of Georgia in March in the wake of a scandal that forced the school to withdraw from postseason play, was hired Monday as a scout and coaching consultant for the Denver Nuggets.

Harrick, 64, compiled a 23-year college coaching record of 470-235 at Pepperdine, UCLA, Rhode Island and Georgia. He led UCLA, alma mater of Nuggets general manager Kiki Vandeweghe, to the national title in 1995.

Harrick came under fire at Georgia late last season after a former player made accusations about having received improper benefits and academic credit for a class he did not attend. The brunt of the blame was placed on Harrick's son, Jim Harrick Jr., who was fired as an assistant after the school charged him with academic fraud.

"We are thrilled to add coach Harrick to our staff,'' Vandeweghe said. "He possesses a remarkable basketball mind and will be a great asset to us.''