LeBron James has evolved into a legalized form of gambling with corporate America.

James is the basketball flavor of the moment on whom corporate America is betting a considerable sum to be the next Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson.

Wherever James goes these days, he is usually trailed by someone lugging a suitcase of money from corporate America.

James stops at a convenience store, and someone wants to hand him a bunch of money to endorse a chili dog. He goes to a shopping mall, and store owners are prepared to hand over their inventory in exchange for his stamp of approval.

It can't be easy. It must get tiresome.

James steps outside his house and people start throwing money at him. Everyday is a ticker-tape parade with James, only the adoring throng is throwing dollar bills in his direction instead of confetti.

Not too long ago, James was just another high school basketball player with a Hummer H2.

Now he is a high-powered businessman who has a team of marketing advisers, legal gurus and image consultants endeavoring to bring his deity-like presence into your home.