NBA free agents can officially sign contracts starting today and the Grizzlies are entertaining future Hall-of-Famer Scottie Pippen.

Griz majority owner Michael Heisley is scheduled to meet with Pippen this morning in hopes of signing the veteran small forward, according to NBA sources with knowledge of the meeting.

Pippen and his Memphis-based representative, Brian Parker, will visit Heisley at an unspecified Chicago location. Pippen, 37, played for Portland last season and has also drawn serious interest from the Chicago Bulls, whom he helped win six NBA championships.

Neither Heisley nor Parker returned phone messages left Tuesday.

Despite sentimental reasons for wanting to return to Chicago, Pippen is considering several options.

"They gave me the impression they really want me," Pippen said, referring to the Bulls in a recent Chicago Sun Times story. "But I owe it to myself to feel out at least some of these offers before I make my final decision."