Maciej Lampe will be the first Polish-born player drafted into the NBA. If he is selected by the Bulls, it would be big news for Chicago's enormous Polish population.

With the 6-foot-11 Lampe in uniform, the Bulls might become the first NBA team to offer radio broadcasts in Polish.

"There is a big Polish community and I'm Polish, so it would be a great thing if I got to play for the Bulls," Lampe said. "That would be good for me, to be in this city."

He was born in Poland, but Lampe, 18, spent most of his childhood in Sweden, another European country not exactly steeped in basketball tradition.

Lampe moved to Sweden when he was six after his father took a job coaching a club volleyball team in Stockholm. That was where Lampe took up basketball. By age 14, he was playing for a local professional team.

"I grew up in a neighborhood where a lot of kids played basketball," Lampe said.