Intent on not losing another asset (ala Eddie Jordan to the Wizards; $12. 8 million for four years), the Nets have boldly blocked the Blazers from appropriating Ed Stefanski by summarily promoting him - at the ardent urging of Jason Kidd whose unreserved respect he's earned - from director of scouting to general manager.

The 49-year-old Stefanski had been given the opportunity to become Portland's GM by new president Steve Patterson (no figures were ever discussed) prior to boarding a Thursday night red-eye back from Seattle, where he'd conferred all day with Blazer owner Paul Allen & Co.; it was his eighth meeting with club officials within the last month.

Early Friday morning, with the heightened blessing of New Jersey ownership, team VP Rod Thorn counter-attacked. After deplaning, Stefanski went directly to the Nets' offices, where he was offered a multiyear deal in the 750G-per-year range and one of Thorn's title, which furnishes him with leverage for his next raise/job. Not bad progress for a guy who gave up part ownership in a Philadelphia mortgage and title company five years ago to pursue his basketball dream without any guarantees or mesh beneath him in case he failed.