Jeff Van Gundy performed his first coaching miracle on Monday.

With just a few words, Van Gundy agreed to become the Houston Rockets' next coach and inspired the team's 65-year-old general manager, Carroll Dawson, into youthful leaps.

Van Gundy called Dawson early Monday morning to say he would accept the invitation to succeed Rudy Tomjanovich as Rockets coach, sending Dawson into an athletic celebration filled with relief, joy and the hope Van Gundy can similarly inspire the team that will soon be his.

The Rockets still must complete contract negotiations with Van Gundy's agent, Jim Ornstein. But Dawson on Monday described that process almost as a legal formality.

"I was very thrilled," Dawson said of landing Van Gundy. "I was expecting it this morning, but I didn't expect it quite as early as I got it (about 8 a.m.). He was very excited, and I was jumping up and down. My wife thought that I was crazy."