The NBA doesn't sponsor old-timer "Legends" games anymore. Well, except for tonight.
The Jazz and Wizards won't be using canes and walkers, won't be wearing support hose, won't be taking their teeth out to face each other (5:30 p.m., TNT), but you would hardly know it given all the senior-citizen talk surrounding these two teams.
Much of the attention will be focused on Wizards guard Bryon Russell facing the team he spent the past nine years with. But don't overlook the geezers: Perhaps never in NBA history has such a collection of . . . um, experienced players been on the court for a game.
Four of the five oldest players in the NBA, and five of the top nine, will be in uniform in the MCI Center. Which means, for a change, that Michael Jordan won't be the only player asked about life after basketball.