Ben Wallace once thought about becoming a lawyer -- a defense attorney, naturally.
  "I thought it would be tough for jurors to say no to a 6-8, 245-pound guy," Wallace joked following a Pistons practice that occurred during a particularly lofty stretch of games last week for the Pistons' crowd-pleasing, air-patrolling power forward.
  Wallace on Monday was named the Eastern Conference player of the week by the NBA after rolling up numbers spanning four games that, well, two years ago would not have seemed like the work of Ben Wallace: averages of 13.0 points, 13.8 rebounds and six blocked shots, helping the Pistons win three of four games.
  If the Pistons are suddenly emerging from a string of bleak seasons -- and they seem a lock to prove it -- and are, in the process, rejuvenating Motown's NBA fan base, no player better embodies their resurrection than Wallace and his ceiling-scraping hairdo.