The snow softly fell around the Pistons' practice facility Thursday, mimicking the peace and quiet indoors on the NBA trading deadline.
  The Pistons weren't looking to do anything, and consequently, nothing happened.
  Pistons President Joe Dumars was taking phone calls, but no deals materialized. "We're not making any trades," Pistons Coach Rick Carlisle said Thursday before the 6 p.m. deadline. "If there was something that could be done to drastically improve this team, I think Joe would do it. I don't think there is anything out there that can do that for us.
  "We're playing well, we're going to continue to play well. That's the focus."
  Pistons guard Jon Barry said the team has achieved the right chemistry for now.
  "I don't think anything needs to be changed," Barry said. "We have everything we need right now, and more importantly, what we do have is a good chemistry. That's something that you can't trade for. You attain it over time."