John Delong of the Winston Salem-Journal reports: The Hornets continue to get good news about Jamal Mashburn, and indications are that he will rejoin the team after the All-Star break.

Mashburn said Saturday that he hopes to return to fullscale practice on Feb. 11. If so, he would likely be activated for a Feb. 13 home game against Chicago and would be good to go for the final 34 games of the regular season.

"I don't want to say anything definite, but there's a possibility I'll start practicing Feb. 11," Mashburn said. "That's the tentative date I'm looking at right now."

In other Hornets news: Co-owners George Shinn and Ray Wooldridge can count on having at least one sympathetic ear on the NBA's relocation committee - Indiana's Herb Simon.

Before the Hornets' loss at Indiana on Friday night, one Pacers official indicated that Simon would likely vote to allow the Hornets to move to New Orleans, although Simon has said nothing publicly on the issue.

Ray Wooldridge has said he is "100 percent" certain that the Hornets already have the 15 necessary votes to approve the move.