George Diaz of the Orlando Sentinel reports: Despite the obvious networking opportunity, Orlando Magic officials kept it social Tuesday night when playing host to a number of local politicians who will help shape the future of the franchise in the coming years.

Orlando Mayor Glenda Hood and County Chairman Richard Crotty joined Gov. Jeb Bush as courtside guests of Magic owner Rich DeVos, who insisted there was "no shop talk" before all three guests left after the first quarter.

"We're playing basketball, remember," DeVos said.

Expect the conversations to get animated in the months to come. With issues regarding a new $250 million arena largely financed through tourism tax dollars -- and local resistance to ante up the dollars to accommodate a privately owned sports franchise -- the Magic are likely to consider all options.

Including relocation or selling the franchise.

"We're not starting the process," Magic President Bob Vander Weide said. "We're not talking about the process. But when we get into the new year, and who knows, it might be March or April when we start talking about this, the direction and the options and the opportunities in front of us will feel quite different than where we were having left off.