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Reset Button: Rebuilding plans?

Posted: Wed Sep 5, 2012 12:59 am
by Dirty Water
What do you think Red Sox short and long term goals should be?

My opinions.

1. I think they need to try to lock up Ellsbury this offseason and if are unable to agree to terms, trade him for at least one major league front line starter like a #1 or #2 guy. If they have to settle for a #4 or #5, I wouldn't bother, I'd ask for a haul of Grade A / B pitching prospects. I feel they can ask for this given Ellsbury's production when healthy. PLUS the recieving team gets an additional sandwich pick in the draft IF they trade him before the season starts.

2. Lock up big Papi on at least a 2 year deal. He has been relatively healthy besides the achilles and you saw this year his production was good and he was in shape. This guy is the face of the franchise, and I wouldn't worry about the money too much in a short deal. Give him the Derek Jeter treatment the Yankees did a year ago if that's what it takes.

3. Need a 1B/OF or both. How about a guy like Alex Gordon or Chase Headley? Both can play first or third but in all probability will be a corner OF.

4. Keep Bard in the bullpen. If his head isn't there next season, trade him see what you can get. You're selling low, but with confidence issues he could only go lower.

5. Aceves may be a head case. But he's a very valuable pitcher. Give him a chance to crack the starting rotation again next year. At worst, he's probably the best long man in the game.

6. See if you can get Cody Ross back. His swing is taylored for Fenway. If he wants too much money, no big deal, let him walk. He's a .260 hitter who hasn't played more than 125 games the last 3 years. He's basically a flashier JD Drew without the patience.

7. Lastly, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT SIGN GRIENKE OR HAMILTON. JUST NO.

Anything other ideas?

Re: Reset Button: Rebuilding plans?

Posted: Fri Sep 7, 2012 12:01 pm
by sunshinekids99
1. I would see if the Mets would be willing to trade Bay for Lackey. I know Bay has been terrible, but he's a guy that did really well in his short time with Boston.

2. Would try and trade some of the prospects that we just go from the Dodgers and maybe Bard to get Matt Garza and Bryan LaHair from the Cubs. Garza becomes a very nice three that has pitched in the division before with success. LaHair has a track record of being able to hit right handed pitching. Platoon him with Gomez next year at first.

Re: Reset Button: Rebuilding plans?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:27 pm
by Dirty Water
Gomez sucks. Like really sucks. Can hit a bit, but hasn't really had enough ABs and may hit a wall. He is downright laughable defensively. I don't want him in a role on this team. I do like LaHair but I agree he's not a full-time player. The 1B FA crop is pretty thin. Maybe bringing back James Loney might be their only option.

As for Lackey, call me crazy but I think he might be able to help out next year. He is a big toolbag but the truth is he pitched hurt all of 2011. He'll be more than a year removed fro mTommy John. Recent history has shown that guys in his situation have decent comebacks. He's kind of hitting his own reset button. It's worth a shot to at least see what he brings, imo.

Re: Reset Button: Rebuilding plans?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:00 pm
by sunshinekids99
1. I'm not really excited about Gomez either, but if you were to get someone like LaHair that needs a platoon, you could do worse than Gomez. Looking at FA, Mike Napoli is there, but he he'll cost too much. Could take a one year waiver on Carlos Lee, but I'm assuming he wants no part of a platoon. As for Loney, he's a good defensive first baseman that can't hit for power. If he's a bench player fine, if he's playing in a lot of games this team is in serious trouble.

2. I'm actually with you on Lackey, I think he'll be pretty good next year. I'm moving him because he a "big toolbag". Bring back a guy that worked here before and fit in. Maybe they catch lighting in a bottle with Bay, if not he's done at the end of the year.

Re: Reset Button: Rebuilding plans?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:55 am
by sunshinekids99
I'm changing my vote from Gomez. I now want the Sox to have Lavarnway practice all winter at first. Use him as a Mike Napoli where he can catch and play some first for you.

Re: Reset Button: Rebuilding plans?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:48 pm
by Dirty Water
Looks like Sox heeded my advice in regards to #2. But they are just ignoring the situation with #1. Letting Ellsbury contract just expire then letting him walk is so dumb. Trade him and build the farm system. They are essentially banking that he will have another injury riddled season and they will resign him on the cheap. Sox need to acquire or secure any or all assets. Lock him up now, or trade him. Big mistake.