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Posted: Fri Feb 1, 2008 5:23 am
by thejackram
i dont find it suprising that ray is not on the squad. His play so far this season has been slightly below normal. His shot has been somewhat off this year, granted he's had his share of great games and great shots, but hes also showed plenty of times where his game was noticeably off, thus eliminating his chances of making the team..i think many can agree that ray, though still great just hasnt seemed himself this year

Posted: Fri Feb 1, 2008 5:46 am
by sully00
Ray should have made the team, JJ is shaky, how many times has Pierce had a better season than what JJ is doing and told he isn't going because his team blows. Beyond that it isn't the All Surprising team it is the All Star team. My guess Ray, though Hedo is tough to ignore, will be the first alternate and neither Wade or Kidd should show up.

Posted: Fri Feb 1, 2008 12:00 pm
by Relative Autonomy
JahReid wrote:Ray didn't really deserve to make it, but he should have been there over Joe Johnson.

why is joe johnson shaky? he is having a good year and he a leader of a young team that could make some noise in the next few years.

Posted: Fri Feb 1, 2008 2:07 pm
by TheSheriff
It Stinks Ray got snubbed, but hopefully he will use this as motivation to prove the rest of the league wrong. It is better for him to be inspired (not that he isn't already) than for him to be dejected.

Posted: Fri Feb 1, 2008 3:21 pm
by kingjaffyjoe
JahReid wrote:Ray didn't really deserve to make it, but he should have been there over Joe Johnson.

hmmm I dont know about that one man

Joe Johnson is averaging more points per game, more rebounds and more assists while the min. played r right around the same. Like stated before he is also the leader of VERY young team who is suprising alot of people this year. Why do people fail to realize, ray allen just isnt having a good year this year, yes we have the best record, but does that mean rondo should of made it because hes the point gaurd of a team with the best record regardless of his numbers this year? You need to look at it like this, ray ray needs rest, and hes gunna get it, in a perfect world I wish KG didnt make it so he could get a few days of much needed rest but it is what it is.

Posted: Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:05 pm
by No1CeltsFan
PP is so beyond well deserved. END OF STORY. When you lead the best team in the NBA in Points, Assists and Steals and are 2nd in Rebounds, that is the definition of a lock.

As far as Ray goes, I personally don't think he deserved it. The only reason I would pick him over Joe is because of our record compared to the Hawks. However, Hedu Turkolgu and Richard Jefferson deserve it over Ray too, esp Hedu. Hedu has single handedly won atleast 5 games for the Magic at the buzzer. If you want to talk snubs, that is the name you should be talking about.

Posted: Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:12 pm
by No1CeltsFan
Also I wanna add that the person who wrote on page 2 of this post that Ray deserves a spot over Chauncey Billups is out of his mind. NOthing short of crazy that comment was. I really am speechless that someone would actually right that.

As far as the West snubs go Baron and Camby are at the top of the list. No way should either go over Roy however. If they should be going over someone, that someone would have to be David West. It's just a shame that Camby leads the NBA in blocks and is 2nd in the NBA in rebounds (1st in the West) and gets left off. Like Rick Kamla said last night on NBA TV Fantasy Hoops "Ben Wallace was a stapel on the East All-Stars for those 2 very reasons, why should Camby get the same treatment?" That's a great point and I'd have to agree with him. The only thing abuot that is could you justify giving the Denver Nuggets 3 All-Stars and the best team record wise in the NBA, the Boston Celtics, 2? I personally don't think so.

I think the fans vote should only count for say 50% for the starters. That 50%, along with who the coaches vote for. If that were the case, as great as they are, Kidd and Wade would be off the roster. The All-Star game is about rewarding great individual play on great TEAMS! How can you be an All-Star on the worse team in the NBA and a team that has lost 18 of 19? i.e. Dwayne Wade?

As for the person who said Big Al got snubbed, please re-read those last few sentences. Big Al will be an All-Star many times over, but no way could he be one on a 10 win team. Especially a 10 win team in the better of the 2 conferences.

Posted: Sun Feb 3, 2008 2:22 am
by Rasheeed!!!
No1CeltsFan wrote: "Ben Wallace was a stapel on the East All-Stars for those 2 very reasons, why should Camby get the same treatment?"

Well, Wallace was essentially picked because he was always the #1/2 C in East, and the Pistons always had a good record. This season, if Shaq wasn't useless and was voted in (by fans) Howard would be back up choice of the coaches and Wallace would be at home. Only during that 64 season would Wallace have made it.

Posted: Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:11 am
by sunshinekids99
I have no problem with Ray Allen not on the team, IMO he didn't deserve it. While I wouldn't have had Joe Johnson on the team either, he is having a better season than Ray.

Posted: Sun Feb 3, 2008 6:37 am
by Rocky5000
If Ray Allen weren't on the Celtics we all know he'd be averaging 25-30 ppg and would make it on the allstar team like he has for the last 8 years. The fact that he has sacrificed part of his game to buy into the team concept shouldn't mean that he is any less of a player. He's shooting more outside shots which accounts for his lower fg% and has been injured for a few games, but when he plays, he's been very valuable to our team, especially in the clutch.

Posted: Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:48 pm
by sunshinekids99
Ray has had some great games for the Celtics. But overall I don't think he's been at an all-star level.

Posted: Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:10 pm
by bru87tr
RA snubbed ? by who ? the fans who contribute voting to a popularity contest ?

IMO, the voting should be left to the coaches or press. not the fans. the whole thing is a joke. never liked the voting nor the All-Star game.