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Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:52 pm
by Datruth345
the first guy is ricky, the second is haslem

Re: OT? Who is the sports guy talking about?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:04 pm
by Tricky Ricky
GWVan wrote:
I'd pit Ricky Williams against a certain much-travelled NBA player who I'm not allowed to mention since he has never been suspended for marijuana use -- even though he's famous for turning at least two of his new teammates into the collective Chong to his Cheech every time he switches teams -- with the the winner receiving a lifetime's supply of medical marijuana. Ricky and Famous Potsmoker X would fight to the death. There's no question. It would be like the last 20 minutes of "Bloodsport." ... ons/080118

google "damon stoudamire marijuana"

you get 46 pages

Do we really want this guy around?

.......or is he talking about someone else?

Every player probably does it, its just the stupid ones that get caught

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:54 pm
by shackles10
What's funny is when you google Kevin Garnett marijuana you get 20,000 hits compared to the 4,000 you get for Damon Stoudamire. Now we all know he's been busted, but the number of google hits only means those words all appear on the site. Let's just say this little argument wouldn't exactly hold up with Danny Ainge and Doc Rivers.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:21 pm
by SeizeCoup
Now it's all starting to make sense.

RickyD was putting up good stats for my fantasy team. It didn't matter whether he was starting or coming off the bench. But he's been in a funk recently. Now I know why. Gotta blame the skunk! Stinky tree, sticky fingers, 17 year old C-buckets...

BTW: Brian Scal is a pot-head, he turns teammates on to the green. But you know he be smoking that high quality sativa ish, and he hasn't switched many teams, so BSG can't be talking about creamy. Anyways, no blunts I bet, only glass (he's a white dood) which aint as bad for the lungs. Blunts be the killer!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:28 pm
by hiphop1
We are no longer a bunch of impressionable young kids. This is a veteran team we can hadle Stoudamire.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:46 pm
by theman
Antoine is well travelled.

Brad Miller, Ron Artest,

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:51 pm
by LarBrd33
Most of the league smokes weed. It's true man.

I've told this story several times, but I'll tell it again. I live in Seattle and use to go to a lot of games at Key Arena. Behind the arena there is a guarded gate that leads to the player parking lot. After the game you can actually stand outside the gate and watch the players get in their cars and drive out. When the guys are in a good mood, they sometimes stop their car and sign autographs for a few fans waiting outside.

I remember one day when Jelani McCoy came driving out... he rolled down his window and smoke just freakin billowed out of that thing. It was ridiculous... my dad once dragged me to an Allman Brothers concert when I was 12 and I remember having to step outside the arena to get some fresh air... smoke was just billowing out of that place. Jelani's car was worse. Laying down in his back seat was Desmond Mason. I witnessed this first hand. 100% Marijuana.

Btw... this part isn't first hand and I didn't personally witness it, but I figured I'd mention it anyways. I use to hear a lot of stories from people I know to be actual friends with Sonic players. They would tell me about Gary Payton throwing ridiculous house parties in the mid 90s. I heard some serious things about Sam Perkins doing crack in an upstairs bedroom. I never really believed the Sam Perkins thing until Shawn Kemp started getting in a ton of trouble with cocaine. It no longer seemed that far fetched...

But weed... weed is extremely common in the NBA. And honestly... I don't really even care.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:12 pm
by greenbeans
eddie house???

my first thought was ricky davis too though