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Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"....

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:35 am
by Howard Mass
Mass Dispatch 12.0

In this Week's Edition of Mass Dispatch.............

The Mass Matter focuses the Mass Dispatch Who Wants To Be A Moderator? Invitational? NHL Edition and a rough week of “Beat The Commish” along with Standings and if The Users or Moderators are winning their head to head battle.

Ask Howard discusses my frustration with our General NBA Board Appeals and what I am going to do about it.

We then have our Mass Dispatch User, Thread and Moderator of The Week.

Inside The Administrator's Office has news on special titles/ranks for Users and hints at other changes on the way.

Let's get right to the Mass Matter.

The Mass Matter..................

Mass Dispatch Who Wants To Be A Moderator? Invitational NHL Edition, “Beat The Commish” Week 2

The Mass Dispatch Who Wants To Be A Moderator? Invitational

As previously announced, I intend to have an NHL version of The Mass Dispatch Who Wants To Be A Moderator? Invitational.

Our NHL Forums are not in the best shape and only a few of them have any real traffic.

When we did our MLB and NFL Forum expansion back in 2007, The addition of The NHL Forums was a last minute decision.

In hindsight, we probably expanded there too fast and the results show.

However, after chatting with the top brass, it was decided that The NHL Forums are here to stay.

With that said, I would love to find at least one good user who would be a good Moderator on an NHL Forum.

The Mass Dispatch Who Wants To Be A Moderator? Invitational NHL Edition starts right now.

This Invitational will be similar to our NFL one but a little different.

Here is how this one is going to work.

Users will be allowed to apply to Moderate any NHL Forum of their choosing.

All you have to do is....

Send me a PM titled : “Mass Dispatch Who Wants To Be a Moderator? Invitational”

Then just list the forum you would like to apply for and why you are the best person to join The RealGM Moderator Team.

Applications will be accepted until Tuesday September 30 at 8 PM EST.

After I view all of the applications, I will select one User to have an Interview with me to become A Moderator although I retain to the right to select someone outright as a Moderator.

If there are more applications then I anticipate, I might also have a User Vote where one of the Applicants will win a Moderator Interview with me.

All users can apply no matter your record and I look forward to seeing your applications and finding out if a new Moderator for an NHL Forum can be found.

“Beat The Commish” Week 2

It was another bad week for yours truly and more Users and moderator than did not.

I went below .500 at 7-9.

Here is a list of Users and Moderators who “Beat The Commish” this week.


Greatness: 11-5
WVU: 10-6
DaddyBigD: 10-6
DK-All Day: 10-6
Hermes: 10-6
El Turco: 9-7
Hopping4Wiggins: 8-8
RIPSkaterdude: 8-8
RSCD_3: 8-8
Slot Machine: 8-8
TheKingofSting: 8-8


John Black: 12-4
Chuck Texas: 10-6
dream34: 10-6
kdawg32086: 9-7
Geoffrey P.: 8-8
Studcrackers: 8-8

That's 17 people who beat me this week including my own fellow Commish dream34.

I've got to rebound next week and probably not pick my beloved New York Giants who really beat themselves this past weekend.

Mad props to everyone who beat me this week.

However, “Beat The Commish” is not only about beating me.

Users are competing against Users, Moderators are competing against Moderators and Users and Moderators are competing against each other.

Here at the standings. The Overall Standings are in the first post and Week 1 and Week 2 in the next two posts.

While it's early and the overall standings are tight, the big contest I'm following is the Users vs. the Moderators.

With The Users taking Week 1 and The Moderators taking Week 2, it's all tied at 1-1 as we head into Week 3.


Participants: Please make your picks.

Ask Howard

Have a question about RealGM? The Forums? An Issue you would like me to address publicly or something in general? Just post it in the Ask Howard Thread of The Mass Dispatch Forum or you could send me a PM and I just might answer it in my next column.


This week's question..............

Too Many Users Ask: Can I please have my General NBA Board privileges back?

Howard's Response: Users Appealing their Read-Only Access Status on our General NBA Board is not a problem.

The problem here is the lack of users who read The General NBA Board Policy.


One thing The General NBA Board Moderator Appeals Committee says to me all the time is “Users do not read the rules” and sadly that is true.

If users read the rules, they would see the section “How Read-Only Access Works and How To Appeal”.

If the User who appeals had read the policy, they would have prepared an Appeal and/or a better one than they sent me as they would have read Mass Dispatch 3.0. which gives Users a clear guide on how to appeal.

Myself and The General NBA Board Moderators do not like giving out Strikes and Read-Only Access.

Things would be easier on all of us if everyone just read the rules.

Unfortunately, I am going to be taking action and plan to change up the appeals rules a bit and it will be an issue for “The Mass Matter” before the start of The NBA Season.

Mass Dispatch User, Thread and Moderator of The Week

It's time for the Weekly Mass Dispatch Forum Awards.

If you know of a User, Thread or Moderator that deserves to be recognized, please either send me a PM or make a post on The Mass Dispatch Forum.

Your nominee might just receive an Award. 

Mass Dispatch User (s) of The Week

Our San Francisco 49ers Forum Users

I know I have been ranting on about our the new San Francisco 49ers Users but this week, they hit 1,000 posts in their game thread.


This group is wonderful and it's just such a thrill to have a huge group of users come our way and join the posters we already had on our San Francisco 49ers Forum.

I do not remember a surge like this since all of The Toronto Raptors Fans migrated over here from SportsTalk (The one Chad Ford used to one early last decade).

Maybe I'm overdoing it since were in the dead season of The NBA but it's nice to have a group of fans join us rather than having a shady independent forum attempt to recruit our Users.

Congratulations once again to our San Francisco 49ers Users!

Mass Dispatch Thread (s) Of The Week

Jazzfan1971's Value Score Threads On our NBA Trades and Transactions Forum


Global Moderator jazzfan1971 does a lot of threads on these forums but this one was mentioned to me by a fellow Moderator.

This link is a Master Thread that contains links to quite a few player value threads and I had a fine time reading it as it was a very interesting and mind-flexing discussion.

I encourage everyone to read up on these threads if they are bored and need something to flex their minds.

Congratulations to jazzfan1971's Value Score Threads!

Mass Dispatch Moderator Of The Week


I wanted to spotlight a great Moderator who not only moderates a NBA Forum but posts on an NFL one.

Fleet joined our Chicago Bulls Moderator Team back in the early part of last decade and also was a Global Moderator up until the time he retired.

I was thrilled when he returned a few years ago as a member of our great Chicago Bulls Moderator Team.

While he does not moderate over on The Chicago Bears Forum, he does participate and it is always great to have moderators who are fans of multiple sports.

He is also a great Enforcer and a wonderful person behind the scenes.

Congratulations to our Moderator of The Week Fleet!

“Inside The Administrator's Office”

Some exciting changes are coming to RealGM in the coming months.

As some of you might know, I created a special title for the monthly winner of The General Off-Topic Board User of The Month.

This is why El Turco currently has the title of “King Of The GOTB (General Off-Topic Board)”

It is a special title that is in place of a User's rank much like Moderator's have minus the icon.

Well, as we move towards the end of the year, I plan to expand this not just for winning contests but for good contributors to our Forums.

I have not decided on what these special titles or ranks will be but it is another step in making our Forums more personalized for our Users.

I plan to have more on this in the coming weeks and it will likely be part of a “Mass Matter”

Other things are also in the works but those will have to wait for another day as I am forbidden to discuss those other things.

Contact Mass Dispatch

If anyone has a question, feedback, feel a user, thread or Moderator should be recognized or something they would like to see in Mass Dispatch, please post it on The Mass Dispatch Forum or send me a PM. You could even send me a note on Twitter @homassrealgm

Thanks to everyone for continuing to make the RealGM Forums the best forums on the internet.

Re: Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:05 am
by Howard Mass
One User has already applied.

Re: Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:30 am
by TheKingofSting
I beat Howard again, I thought I had no chance this week to be honest.

Re: Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:18 am
by NyCeEvO
LOL at HM's "Too many users ask" statement.

It's a takes a few minutes to read. C'mon people!

Re: Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:41 am
by Ralnor
TheKingofSting wrote:I beat Howard again, I thought I had no chance this week to be honest.

Same here. Once I saw that Steelers lost, I knew this week was not my week.

Re: Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:26 am
by RIPskaterdude
Wow where's my question about winning your heart, howie?

Re: Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:39 am
by Gremz
RIPskaterdude wrote:Wow where's my question about winning your heart, howie?

This answer would be too big for just one Mass Dispense. He will do special editions. Probably with emoticons and songs and probably a few pictures that he drewed about it too.

Re: Mass Dispatch 12.0.: NHL Invitational/"Beat The Commish"

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:03 am
by TheKingofSting
I would love to see some of Howie's art work.