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Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:31 am
by paulpressey25
They talk about him not hitting it off with Jason Kidd.....maybe this is to get himself traded. But if so, it is a dumb way to go about it.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:36 am
by worthlessBucks
europa wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

I think the chances may have gone up. If the Mavs lose in the first round, this latest issue with Howard could open the door for Dallas to trade him. While Kohl may have serious issues with the marijuana thing (as well he should in my opinion given how - right or wrong - it's illegal), Hammond could convince him that from a team perspective this is the right move to make.

If I'm Hammond, I'm planting that seed in Kohl's ear as we speak. And then once the Mavs get bounced I'd be on the phone with Cuban to see if he'd take Redd for Howard and Stackhouse.

It's kind of a shame that Dallas sold the farm for Kidd, they don't have any future assets. Howard would be a great addition, I don't like his recent comments at all, but Kohl has had players on his roster in the past who partook in such activities (or done worse things).

The quicker we get Redd and Mo out of here, the faster we can turn this ship around.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:36 am
by europa
MFScho wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

It's kind of a shame that Dallas sold the farm for Kidd, they don't have any future assets. Howard would be a great addition, I don't like his recent comments at all, but Kohl has had players on his roster in the past who partook in such activities (or done worse things).

Who's to say they don't have players on the roster now who partake?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:38 am
by paulpressey25
Maybe we are focusing on the wrong guy in Dallas......

Maybe we need to offer a Yi/Redd/#7 for Nowitzki

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:39 am
by worthlessBucks
europa wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Who's to say they don't have players on the roster now who partake?

Yi says it's TCM

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:52 am
by Nowak008
paulpressey25 wrote:Maybe we are focusing on the wrong guy in Dallas......

Maybe we need to offer a Yi/Redd/#7 for Nowitzki

I would make this deal easily.

I think Cuban loves Dirk too much for that to happen. Although Cuban would love Yi's money making ability.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:56 am
by paulpressey25
Dirk turns 30 in June....he's got a ton of miles and battles on him.

If Dallas gets swept out, they'll have completely regressed with no trade assets. At some point Cuban has to think about a complete rebuild and start from scratch.

I think the Redd/Yi/#7 haul is much better than what Minnesota got for KG.

I agree it most likely won't ever happen. But it could turn our team around overnight.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:01 am
by europa
paulpressey25 wrote:I think the Redd/Yi/#7 haul is much better than what Minnesota got for KG.

I think it's a much better trade than what the T'Wolves got. Can't see Cuban going for it but it's definitely a legit offer.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:22 am
by smooth 'lil balla
europa wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

I think it's a much better trade than what the T'Wolves got. Can't see Cuban going for it but it's definitely a legit offer.

Good lord, i would never trade Yi, Redd, and *7 fir Dirk. That's paying way way way too much.

And i stand by my earlier comments that i'd prefer to keep redd as a piece than trade him for howard. Howard looks lazy out there to me, and now his weed comments makes a lot of sense.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:29 am
by paulpressey25
smooth 'lil balla wrote:-=Good lord, i would never trade Yi, Redd, and *7 fir Dirk. That's paying way way way too much..

That would be the first call I'd make if Dallas gets bounced fast here.....

Dirk would be our version of KG. Bucks win 50 games next year with a Bogut/Dirk frontcourt. I'd even keep Mo around for offensive firepower.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:42 am
by Nowak008
paulpressey25 wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

That would be the first call I'd make if Dallas gets bounced fast here.....

Dirk would be our version of KG. Bucks win 50 games next year with a Bogut/Dirk frontcourt. I'd even keep Mo around for offensive firepower.

The Mavs bread and butter is Terry/Dirk pick n rolls so Mo would be very good with Dirk.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:00 am
by jokeboy86
As big as Kohl thinks Redd is here, I know even he would realize how much better it would be to have Dirk in a market like this. This would be a PR dream for this franchise and this city if they were to go get Dirk.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:03 am
by carmelbrownqueen
xTitan wrote:I was not a Howard guy to beging with, I do realize many NBA players smoke it and I don't care as long as it does not encompass there life....but to be stupid enough to admit it on the thank you, you sir, are an idiot.
Absolutely. I don't think most knowledgeable NBA fans have diluted themselves into thinking that there isn't drug or more specifically marijuana use by a large number of players. But never ever should a player just up and admit it the way that Howard did. It's almost like he's fluanting it and daring the NBA to do something about it. It takes an extra special level of stupidity and arrogance to think you are above consequence for such an admission in a professional sport. I know a lot of fans on this board were willing to give up just about any of our players just to get him but based on what I am reading he isn't worth the trouble. If he keeps this up he won't even be in the NBA.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:17 am
by El Duderino
paulpressey25 wrote:Something tells me this is the end of this idea of Redd for Howard.

Kohl won't want this, but I'm guessing Hammond won't either. Even acknowledging that these guys do this, to admit it in a public radio interview indicates you are dumb. Going to Titan's point, that won't fly with Hammond.

Why should Kohl care about a basketball player admitting he smokes weed?

Fans here in Milwaukee won't care one bit if Howard smokes weed so long as he's helping the Bucks win more games.

There was zero fan outcry over bringing in Patterson and his much uglier past, they aren't going to sweat a guy smoking some blunts either.

So long as an athlete isn't out there committing serious crimes or constantly in trouble, fans of pro sports team only care about one thing, just win baby.

EDIT--Wanted to add, Hammond was in Detroit when they brought in Sheed and i forget the exact details, but he had issues involving weed while in Portland.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:18 am
by ReasonablySober
I don't think he was trying to make a statement or he was flaunting guess is he's just extremely stupid.

Regardless, I don't want him on the Bucks. I don't have a problem with anyone getting high, but if you're stupid enough to admit it on the radio there's something obviously missing up there in that noggin.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:28 am
by carmelbrownqueen
That's flaunting it in my opinion. It's almost like he wanted to thumb his nose at the NBA and it's governing body.. like he's daring them to test him more and catch him. It's beyond stupid and it shows a bit of arrogance just do something like that .

Professional athletes have been known to use drugs for years, but most are smart enough to do it without announcing it to everyone. Most wouldn't want to do anything mess with their money.. Obviously he didn't think about that and doesn't really value the privilege he has. I'm just happy he isn't a Buck.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:32 am
by ReasonablySober
carmelbrownqueen wrote:That's flaunting it in my opinion. It's almost like he wanted to thumb his nose at the NBA and it's governing body.. like he's daring them to test him more and catch him. It's beyond stupid and it shows a bit of arrogance just do something like that .

Professional athletes have been known to use drugs for years, but most are smart enough to do it without announcing it to everyone. Most wouldn't want to do anything mess with their money.. Obviously he didn't think about that and doesn't really value the privilege he has. I'm just happy he isn't a Buck.

That's it. He's stupid.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:37 am
by carmelbrownqueen
Yeah he's stupid and whole bunch of other stuff too. Probably was high when he did the interview.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:53 am
by El Duderino
carmelbrownqueen wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

If he keeps this up he won't even be in the NBA.

Based on what?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:01 am
by carmelbrownqueen
El Duderino wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Based on what?
If they eventually catch him there might be very little that could be done to keep him from getting suspended Birdman style.