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Re: Westbrook out, Wall in

Posted: Mon Jul 4, 2022 3:24 am
by BallerTalk
DoItALL9 wrote:
jove9 wrote:
DoItALL9 wrote:Wouldn't trading Wall for Westbrook right now be a net gain overall?

(Even without a pick?)

Sure. For the Lakers. They'd LOVE that trade.

Not sure how it would help HOU at all. The last thing Houston needs is an untradeable ball-dominant turnover prone non-shooter to take minutes away from Green and the rest of the kids.

At the time I thought Wall was going to sit out another season and collect his whole check. Also, I think there's still a chance Westbrook might've given up more money had the Rockets traded for him and told him they would ask him to sit at home all season.

Every contract is moveable. There would be a better chance at getting involved as a 3rd team in the pending Kevin Durant trade too. Oh well, Fertita saved some money!

Despite your complaints about Westbrook, a couple of his teammates managed to have MVP caliber seasons - KD & PG13. I believe Bradley Beal might've had his best season to date playing next to Westbrook also.

Sorry but Westbrook represents the darkest era in recent Rockets history, not only because it was a forced trade by an egotistical owner who thought he knew better than his own Basketball Operations team,
and not only because of the exorbitant initial cost (which the team is still paying) that left the team devoid of assets,
but what was required of the team just to prop Westbrook up while he was here, including warping the entire roster and taking the ball out of a superior player's hands.

All of that just to get thoroughly embarrassed in the playoffs because of Westbrook's unmaskable liabilities.

I've said before that I had never been as pessimistic about the team's future as I was following the 2020 season knowing that they were probably stuck with another three years of Westbrook.
That's why in my eyes Wall will forever be considered a godsend. He didn't do a whole lot while in a Rockets uniform but he did signal the end of the Westbrook experiment.